Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lush Gets Naked In Italy To Reduce Plastic Waste


By: Casha Doemland

As of June 1, Lush has officially launched a naked store in Milan, Italy, the fashion capital of the world. And, no, enthusiastic nudist, that doesn’t mean there are a bunch shoppers and sales associates walking around wearing only a smile.

Lush launched their #GetNakedWithUs campaign last year where they took to social media and modeled in their birthday suits alongside Lush products. From Vancouver to Montreal, Canadian employees only wore their black apron for the day.

Don’t worry though, it was tasteful and all for a good cause—to get consumers to buy “naked” or unpackaged products. It’s the same cause Lush is trying to achieve with the new store, just in a different format as every product in this store comes with zero packaging.

In a statement to Plant Based News, a spokesperson said that “the shop is a celebration of innovation and creativity through products totally free of packaging and, through in-store events, workshops and film screenings, aims to be a place for customers to share and exchange ideas for a future without plastic.”

To keep the trend going, on June 8th, Lush kicked off a campaign online to raise awareness focused on the waste created by single-use plastic. Go to their website, and you’re greeted with a pop-up allowing you to “learn more” about how to have a plastic-free tomorrow.


Alongside with the launch, they introduced their latest bath bomb, Turtle Jelly, which takes the shape of a cute sea turtle to help remind you that plastic waste threatens the lives of baby sea turtles every day.

Can you feel the slap of reality as you drop that bath bomb into your tub?

Lush is making great strides in the reducing their waste. 35% of their products are currently being sold naked, and the plastics seen on their other products is 100% biodegradable cellophane. Additionally, free face masks are given in exchange for the return of five black plastic containers, perfect for your own personal naked spa day.


LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.

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