Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Paprika's New Designs Are All History


Designed and concepted by Zsolt Liber, every aspect of this packaging has a meaning, starting with the texturized red box made of sandpaper which showcases paprika as a powder. 

“Hungary is worldwide famous from its unique kitchen, which wouldn’t be the same without its ultimate condiment: the paprika. 

This university project focuses on the spice made from this delicious vegetable. The package design relies mostly on the paprika’s various textures as powder and as liquid." 


"As it is one of Hungary’s most traditional ingredients, the hand crafted wooden box and its powder-like texture represents it’s importance and uniqueness. The typography and the package texture are more playful - this contrast shows that although it has been used for centuries, it’s still around and there isn’t a real Hungarian meal without it. 

Each box contains two packages of the main paprika types - spicy and sweet.”


Design, Production & Photography: Zsolt Liber 

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