Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Entrepalo Is A Centenary Generous Wine


Entrepalo is a centenary generous wine designed by the team at Granada Barrero and boy oh boy does it look stunning! 

“Diezmo Nuevo Winery and Xanty Elias chef wished to launch Entrepalo to the market. The name Entrepalo is the result of the union of the cask and the maritime history of the winery.”


The heavily symbolic cask is more than enough to show Entrepalo´s singularity which is the result of the wood scents. The wine, the cask, the wine-producing expertise and the winery with maritime and exportation tradition join forces with the chef Xanty Elias in this exciting venture.”



The classic labels of Diezmo Nuevo were designed with the restrictions of American exportation regulations. So, after studying different references, we decided to design the new label with the same XIX structure, to respect and preserve the past. The digital engraving shows the sky, the cask, and the marine life. The cuttlefish, which is a symbol of Huelvan cuisine, appears on the label like a gesture to Xanty Elias. The label was made traditional printing and each bottle is numbered by hand. In addition, it is sold in individual boxes in order to transmit the authentic character of the wine.”


Team: Granada Barrero, Noemí Agalia
Photo: Alfonso Acedo©
Client: Bodegas del Diezmo Nuevo y Acánthum
Location: Huelva, Spain

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