Tuesday, July 31, 2018

This Conceptual Fragrance Comes With an Organic Feeling


Nanjin Li designed the conceptual packaging for Seremoni, a fragrance brand that features a unique organic look.

“The perfume brand Seremoni aims to transform the small action of using perfume into a comforting and sacred daily ritual, offering people a chance to create their own rituals in everyday life. A ritual is not only about big life events but also could be as simple as your morning spray. Bringing a sense of ritual to everyday life is beautiful to recognize and celebrate little things.”

seremoni_1.jpgseremoni_3.jpgseremoni_6.jpg seremoni_7.jpg

“Each perfume bottle is designed to sit on its own wooden base. The action of putting them back carefully brings a sense of ritual.

Moreover, the curves of each bottle draw inspiration from the sun movement, echoing with three daily scenarios when performing this perfume ritual can really help us feel calm and prepared.”


Designer: Nanjin Li 

Digital Fabrication: Xinda Wang

Location: Chicago

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