Monday, July 23, 2018

Vegafob is a Playful Sausage Packaging Concept


Vegafob is a playful concept that aims to market sausage by utilizing stylized illustrations of the animals in which the product comes from.

“The project is a series of packaging for sausage slicing.

Having seen that slices of sausage are nothing more than a cross-section of a cylinder - the authors used this visual similarity by presenting it as the torso of animals corresponding to type of the filling. Beef, Pork, Chicken.”


“For a more interactive interaction of the user with the product, the inside of the package was sealed, there is skeleton is directly behind the sausage.

The buyer also has the ability to replace the upper parts of different types of characters - thus obtaining a combined hero.”


Idea, Design, Texturing, Visualisation: Rustam Usmanov

3d Modeling, Unwrapping, Tech Support: Andrew Sylka

Location: Moscow, Russia

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