Monday, June 4, 2018

Up Front Takes a Bold Brand Position with Illustrations Inspired By Moby Dick


Using graphics by illustrator Stanley Donwood, Freytag Anderson created assertive packaging for flourishing independent brewer Up Front. Striking black and white contrasts on matte paper labels give Up Front’s nautical theme an unmistakable twist.

Project in Detail

Glasgow studio Freytag Anderson has created a packaging line for independent brewer Up Front. Highly-regarded brewer Jake Griffin is currently establishing his own range of beers under the Up Front label. His craft-perfected, small-batch offering is a confident manifesto for quality and attention to detail. An unexpected collaboration Jake’s other passion - exceptional design - has drawn him to illustrator Stanley Donwood. To the core range, whose names are drawn from Moby Dick, Donwood lent a range of linocut images suggestive of seaborne adventure.


Building the Identity

Up Front’s existing brand identity was refined in line with these signature illustrations (and vice versa). The beer names are presented in a simple letterpress-inspired font which ties in visually with the linocuts. 

Making Space

Freytag Anderson created maximum real estate for Donwood’s striking prints, reserving a small clean area for mandatory information. The rest of the can became a canvas.This template will underpin wildly varying label content for new ranges. 

Up_Front_3.jpg Up_Front_5.jpg

Working with Contrast

The monochrome prints are perfectly suited for shelf standout. So the monotone contrasts of the labelling had to be complete. Many conversations were had with the printers before we selected the production method, finally using a matte varnish overprint for a high-contrast, cost-effective, yet pleasantly tactile finish.

Creating a Visual Language

Jake’s eye for fresh new art injects energy into his packaging and reflects the adventurous nature of his product. His creative tie-ups lock together the varied Up Front offer with their distinctiveness. Freytag Anderson will be partnering with Up Front on labelling for special ranges - look out for new releases!


Bringing the Cans to Life

Freytag Anderson partnered with regular collaborators Render Studio ( to create a series of HD quality 3D visualisations and animations which bring the artwork to life on the products. We are also working on an augmented reality experience which will allow people to view the animated cans in real-time using a mobile application.


Designed By: Freytag Anderson
Original Artwork By: Stanley Donwood
Client: Up Front Brewing
Design: Freytag Anderson
Visualisation/Animations: Render Studio
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

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