Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jacquet's Branding Showcases The Journey Of Their Products


Jacquet takes their product photography to whole new level with their small figurines working hard to depict the purpose of the food. From farmers collecting wheat to a team applying the sesame seed to bun, it’s a good family fun. 

“In the past, Jacquet has showcased its expertise as a bread maker, as in the brand’s previous logo which depicts hands kneading dough. But in the country of the baguette, it is hard to compete with the know-how of local bakers. We have decided to refocus the Jacquet identity on what Jacquet really are – farmers, before bakers. Not many people know that Jacquet is first and foremost a cooperative of over 700 french wheat growers." 


"The new visual identity that we have imagined for Jacquet highlights the uniqueness of this brand which belongs to a cooperative of French farmers who grow wheat to make bread. Its agricultural roots are now expressed by an identifying motif depicting furrows in a wheat field plowed by man. Colored, graphical depictions of the french countryside, enhanced with script font and hand-drawn symbols to reaffirm the brand’s human values.”


Agency:  5•5
Location: Paris, France

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