Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Boxha Pays Homage to Mayan Illustations


Featuring Mayan illustrations, Boxha’s packaging pays homage to an ancient civilization with a modern day flair. The designs are often found in black, with pops of blues, oranges and yellows. 

“Named after the Mayan word for coffee, Boxha is a coffee house that knows how to stick to its roots. The ancient culture is incorporated into the branding with the creation of characters that resemble those found in ancient illustrations, focusing on prominent figures like the jaguar and the many Mayan gods. These illustrations are combined with bold type and vibrant colors to create harmonious yet unique pieces throughout the whole brand. Although heavily based on an ancient world, Boxha has a look that fits in the modern age.”


Creative Agency: Eme Design Studio
Designer: Ana Ruiz
Creative Director: Joel Martínez
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Boxha Coffee House
Location: El Paso, TX United States

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