Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Modest Packaging Dares You To Be BOLD


Packaged in modest cylindrical containers with BOLD written vertically in all caps with line breaks on the base and black and white stripes on the cap, this company demands you be bold and dare more.

“Masculine, brave and innovative - this is BOLD, a stylish sex toy brand for confident men who dare more and demand a distinct design with strong stimulant sensations.”


“BOLD with its practical, modern design combines high-quality materials with powerful performance. The distinctive black and white look makes the toys truly unique and emphasizes the powerful character of the brand. All of the products are specially adapted to suit the needs of men and to fit the male anatomy just perfectly.The BOLD toys contain a broad range of premium masturbators, mainly crafted of high-quality materials, with thrilling inner structures and a suction effect. These toys are easy to use and clean, and they offer all-over gripping experience.


Designed By: AMORELIE
Packaging Designer: Janar Siniloo
Toy Designer: Tom Mudra
Photographer: Alberto Ferrero
Location: Berlin

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