Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stora Enso Announces 2018 re:create packaging Contest Winners


By: Casha Doemland

re:create packaging urges contestants, whether it’s a team of designers or individual students, to invent a new and more sustainable version for a different CPG category every year. This year, Stora Enso challenged students and designers from all over the globe to create food packaging that would appeal to children, ages 0-12.

According to the brief, “studies show that packaging has a big impact on children’s food preferences and even affects perceived taste.” So, what better way to get organic, all natural foods in their bellies, than with creative and eye-catching designs.  

As Stora Enso focuses on renewable materials and resources, contestants had to use Lumiflex packaging paper, Natura liquid packaging board, Tambrite carton board and Trayforma tray board to create the concept packaging. It’s a unique opportunity for designers to work with sustainable materials they might not have encountered before, and they received over 250 entries.

According to Annica Bresky, jury chairman and Head of Stora Enso Consumer Board division, “Our expert jury was really impressed by the high quality of the award-winning designs, which combined dynamic functionality with playful design and attractive shapes and graphics. In fact, all the shortlisted designs in the competition could have high potential to affect consumer purchasing and be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.”

Each entry was judged on 5 categories, functionality and user experience, market potential, innovative use of material, production-ready and retails and logistics, and this past month, the winners were announced at an event in Madrid.  

Student Category


1st Place

Monster Fruits, designed by Tino Buschhorn and Marcus Zieboll from Hochschule Der Medien Stuttgart in Germany blew the judges away. According to the jury, they said, "This is a clear winner, and for obvious reasons when assessed using the jury criteria. The fun and playful design not only grabs children’s attention but also encourages interaction and play.”


2nd Place

Waky-Up Museli, designed by Natalia Debicka from Academy of Fine Arts in Gdánsk, Poland not only scored the 2nd place prize in the student category but also nabbed the Kid’s Choice award. This design features a playful yellow bug that opens its eyes once the box is opened, thus supplying something that is functional and friendly.


3rd Place

Animeals, a clever pun and design by Oska Hilario and Simon Essnert of Nackademin in Sweden secured a 3rd place prize with their hip bears in shutter glasses.


Professional Category


1st Place

Fruit Glasses by freelancers Viktoriia Schmidt and Arthur Schmidt wowed the judges with a unanimous vote. According to a recap, the judges thought “this is a well-executed, simple design that supports scalability and adaptability, while also receiving maximum points for production readiness. The design gives credence to the notion that the greatest ideas are often the simplest, which has been a common thread among winning entries.”


2nd Place

SNACK+BREAK / Healthy Fruit Mix swooped into second place by splitting their packaging into two: half showcasing the product and its ingredients and half displaying an animal that is sure to attract the attention of youngsters the world over.


3rd Place

Coming close behind in third is Bacaly Snake by Karoline Lademann and Tomasz Zakowski of Alely in Poland. This smooth green snake unravels into a toy package stacked with healthy snacks like walnuts, peanuts and raisins. The flexible structure allows the child to have an infinite amount of fun and channel their inner creativity.  


Public Choice Award


Smart Snack wins the heart of the people with the Public Choice Award. Between the contrasting colors and the tall cylindrical container, this design by students Martyna and Klaudia stand out amongst a sea of products decked in creatures. Not only is the aesthetic unique, but the container is a jigsaw puzzle children must solve in order to retrieve the snacks.


Casha Doemland

LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.


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