Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Dr. Roebuck's Delivers A Family Remedy From Australia

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By: Casha Doemland

You’ve tried dozens of skincare products, all of which claim to be suited for sensitive skin. Yet the moment the exfoliant hits your skin, a rash breaks out almost instantaneously. Flustered by the fact that the only thing that seems to keep your face calm is warm water and Dove soap, you’re branching out to other countries, and that’s when you discover Dr. Roebuck’s with their tagline of “minimal ingredients, maximum results.”

Dr. Roebuck’s’ story begins on the waves of Bondi Beach, where identical twins Kim and Zoe Roebuck spent most of their childhood beneath the warm Aussie sun, except for the brief stint in between when eczema and dry skin slowly drained their energy. When the girls visually stopped feeling like themselves, their parents stepped in.

“We named the brand after our dad, Dr. Roebuck,” begins Zoe, “because when we were children, he healed our eczema with a one-of-a-kind formula he created by simply removing ingredients instead of adding them, giving our skin exactly what it needed and nothing more.“


Over time, friends began asking questions about how they got such flawless skin as well as the products that they were using.  Eventually, the twins made an executive decision to put their family’s product on the market.

Fast forward 30 years, Zoe’s completed her Masters in Medical Ethics and worked in pharmaceutical strategy and clinical trials at a global capacity while Kim took the media by storm conducting strategy and M&A for News Corp. Through these experiences, career paths and their parents’ original formula, they’ve built the brand that is today Dr. Roebucks. "We’re still testing, trialing, and creating new products as we learn from every sensitive face and strong beaut’ we meet,” adds Kim.

Kim and Zoe pride themselves on producing a line of products that are clean, effective beauty products for women and men around the world. “Our goal is to become known as the clean beauty brand of Australia, to own the efficacious clean beauty space, and to showcase the purity down under and everything it has to offer globally,” shares Zoe.

All of Dr. Roebuck’s products are free of parabens, sulfates, fillers, synthetic fragrances, chemical and dyes. Basically, all the “nasties” as the twins like to call it. Each ingredient is researched and followed through the chain, from origin to extraction and refinement, to ensure it’s ethically sourced in Australia.

On top of creating products that are made purely of nourishing oils and extracts, they’ve taken an eco-friendly and sustainable approach to limit their carbon footprint.  "We were raised in a manner that always placed great importance on sustainability, so our personal DNA has naturally become the foundation for our business,“ states Kim.


The love for the country down under only continues as the twins wanted the branding to pay homage to their Australian roots. Dr. Roebucks is built on science, clean ingredients and living your best life. From the aerial shots of Australia displayed on the boxes and the handwritten script in copper based on the beaches of Sydney to the fresh quote on the lid of the box once you open it and the names of the product themselves, it’s all Aus.

10 to 15 percent of the population in Australia is affected by eczema, a medical condition that can create rough and dry skin.  While the severity of the condition differs based on the person, Kim and Zoe were fortunate enough to have their own personal wizard for a dad, because he was able to whip up a quick batch of miracle lotion and whisk their skin problems away. Now, the twins are sharing that same love with the world.

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Casha Doemland

LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.


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