Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wise Apple Turns "Ugly Apples" Into Cider

Similarly to how Honour Essentials turns busted coffee beans into personal care products, Wise Apple turns ugly apples into hard cider. This glass bottle features an hour wearing a monocle with the brand new directly below.  To promote its dedication to sustainability, the cork is engraved with “Made With Ugly Apples”. 

“Grape Hollow farms had an abundance of "ugly apples"— those with blemishes that taste wonderful but are often passed-over at the market. We shared a vision to create a limited edition hard cider for with sustainability in mind, using the ugly apples and repurposed wine bottles. We created "Wise Apple” hard cider, illustrated with our signature owl and a mixture of elements that are as sharp and colorful as the taste of the cider itself. Natural materials from the cider brewing process combine with whimsy—from the wise owls at Beardwood&Co.“ 


Agency: Beardwood&Co
Creative Director: Sarah Williams
Design Director: Mark Webb
Designer: Allie Wong
Designer: Andrew Tillotson

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