Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mr. Lee's Elevates The Cup of Instant Noodle


Mr Lee’s Noodles isn’t your average cup of instant noodle, rather it’s elevated with a variety of unique flavors like Coconut Chicken Lakasa, Warrior Fighting Shrimp, Zen Garden Vegetables and more. 

“Mr Lee’s Noodles is part of the Mr Lee’s Pure Foods Co. Ltd Group. Their noodles are different to standard instant cup noodles as they use premium quality freeze-dried ingredients, which maintains the nutritional value and flavour and use absolutely no nasties in the recipes. 

The cup design was created using a bold, strong colour palette but with a minimal, premium look to reflect the price and quality of the product. ”


“Director of Brand, James Roberts, explains, ‘Such innovation had gone into making these great tasting noodles, that we had to create packaging to reflect that. Bold colours aren’t often associated with 'healthier’ products, but we didn’t want to hide away in the corner, the company is ambitious and we decided to lead by example. We used bright colours to represent each flavour and coupled it with fun typography, as a nod to the company values and the pleasure of eating noodles.’”

“'It was important to differentiate ourselves from normal cup noodles, which are mass produced with no emphasis on quality. Our brand value proposition is 'no worries, eat happy' as our noodles are made using such high quality ingredients you don’t need to be worried about nasty ingredients, just add water and enjoy. Our tag line is 'All noodles are not created equal' and we firmly believe this, these are not instant noodles as you know them and you can see this in our photography too, everything you see in the image is in our noodles, no photoshopping, you can see actual ingredients.’" 

"The packaging has been well received by buyers and at trade shows. After the re-brand, Mr Lee’s Noodles won a contract with Jetstar in Australia to serve as an in-flight meal choice and have followed this up with being the noodle of choice on board TUI airlines in the UK, as well being available on train networks up and down the country and online. The company also has a strong presence in Denmark with various hotel groups.”


Designed by: Mr Lee’s Noodles, in-house
Photography: Myles New 
Director of Brand/Creative Director: James Roberts
Location: Bournemouth, UK

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