Monday, May 21, 2018

Volcano Coffee Uses Compostable Pods for At Home Use

Outside of the exquisite design work, Volcano Coffee At Home ethically trades and sources their premium coffee beans and uses 100% compostable Nespresso-compatible pods. That’s right, not only do you get the same great taste from the comfort of your home, but you’re also leaving zero traces that the even product existed.

“Volcano At Home is the latest venture of South London independent coffee roasters, Volcano Coffee Works. Commission designed the visual language for this arm of the Volcano brand, along with retail, subscription and wholesale packaging.”


“The pods sit in a card tray made from a single sheet of 100% recycled fibre board, folded double, to occupy as little space, and use as little material, as possible. ”

“Hand-drawn icons reflect the distinct characteristics of each coffee, while the electric red and orange of the Bold Morning Shot and Balanced All Day boxes set them apart from the richer, sweeter Reserve.”

“The whole package offers a compact but tactile experience, delivering convenience with a conscience. Whether posted to home-subscribers or lined-up on retail shelves, the boxes aim to be as refreshing as Volcano’s ethos.”


Design: Commission Studio
Location: Brixton, London

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