Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Favorite Organic Canadian Yogurt Brand Gets a Modern Update


This Canadian yogurt brand gets a modern update for their packaging thanks to Stand Mtl.

“The Liberté brand of Organic Yogurts has been on Canadian grocers shelves since way before organic products were trendy. However, like many innovative brands, the existing packaging didn’t quite convey all the quality of the product it contained. We developed a packaging platform that aimed to capture the quality, the purity, the simplicity, the superior taste and the overall goodness of the products without turning our backs on our heritage and DNA as a brand. The result is a beautiful, natural and powerful packaging platform that has already been recognised for its uniqueness and sheer beauty. The designs are timeless. The original illustrations inspired by beginning of the century botanical publication are effective and flavourful. And the overall result is something that Liberté and Stand Mtl are extremely proud of.”


Designed By: Stand Mtl.

General Mills Canada/Liberté : Frédérique Delagrave, Marie-Michèle Lessard & Simon Brisebois

Strategy: Jimmy Berthelet (Stand Mtl)

Direction: Manon Pelletier (Stand Mtl)

Creative: Caroline Blanchette (Stand Mtl)

Studio: Philippe Melancon (Stand Mtl)

Illustrations: Doug Schneider & Ruth Aslett

Retouching & Portfolio Images: Martin Tremblay Pinch

Production: JJM Graphics

Printing: Polytainers

Location: Canada

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