Thursday, August 16, 2018

Enjoy Your Favorite Cocktail On Your Feet With Socktails


Luckies of London created this adorable and clever packaging for Socktails, a fun way to celebrate your favorite alcoholic drink by wearing them on your feet.


“We wanted to mix things up a bit and create familiar, colourful cocktails, glass-and-all, comprising something more unexpected - socks! We settled on three designs (because you can never have just one cocktail) representing the gentle gradients of three well known drinks; the Mojito, Cosmopolitan and Tequila Sunrise. Once we discovered that, for several reasons, packaging them in their corresponding glasses wasn’t practical, we decided to create eye-catching boxes with profile cuts of the glassware to make each pair instantly recognisable. This pack allowed us a little more freedom and meant we could use a heady cocktail of colour to evoke the scenes that the drinks themselves might conjure when enjoying one or four; a beach at dusk, vibrant Havana and art deco New York. Hopefully we’ve made everyday socks a little less sobering, and filled them with a little more punch!”

LUKSTM_4.jpg LUKSTM_5.jpg

Designed By: Luckies of London

Creative Director: Xavier Unwin 

Designers: Xavier Unwin, Callum Collie

Location: London, UK

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