Wednesday, August 22, 2018

WowMoon Uses Recycled Pulp & Glass for 2018 Gift Bags


Taiwan-based design studio, 7428 had the pleasure of creating the packaging for WowMoon 2018 and ended up creating a piece of magic that is not only clean and minimalistic but sustainable and aesthetically great to look at.

“As exciting and creative as the yearly W Taipei Moon Cakes Set can be, 7428 Design Studio is thrilled to coordinate the imagery of 2018 WowMoon Cakes gift set packaging design. Aligned with WooBar’s concept of ‘Electrified Nature,' WowMoon recycled glasses are featured in each Set where recycled bottles found new life, packaged in a box made from recycled pulp to create minimalist edges. Each of two glasses and lids is attached by a sticker that has a cocktail recipe on it, making mooncakes even more enjoyable with WooBar’s special cocktails. " 


"Packaging box’s uncolored pulp is modest while a hint of element from green glass makes it chic and environmentally friendly at the same time, in which you may even grow small succulent plants for the box’s reborn soul out of infinite possibilities of a circular economy.


Design: 7428DesignStudio
Chief Designer: Kerwin Jhang
Client: W TAIPEI
Location: Taipei, Taiwan

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