Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Aiko is a Fashion-Forward Kid's Smartwatch


We’re digging the simple yet effective packaging for Aiko, a kid’s smartwatch.

“We developed the entire visual solution of the product: logo, design of the product itself (colours, patterns on the wristband related to the main visual theme), smart watch interface including animations and set of icons, mobile application design, develop unique set of printed materials to be included in the packaging – user manual (for kids and parents) and sketchbook, develop packaging system.”


“Considering it is a product for children, we chose an animal (tiger) theme to make it more approachable to children. The character identity (colour scheme, motion animation) was then applied throughout the whole visual system and product design, including animated watch interface. The outer part of the packaging system features main character and logo, with product information on the sides. We chose this approach to make the packaging recognisable as a product for children and make it stand out amongst other comparable products on the market. The inside construction features the product as the only visible item after opening. The printed materials, including animated sketchbook, together with the accessories are hidden underneath. Colour scheme relates to the key character. The main objective was to create visual identity and packaging of a new product to be launched on the European market.”


Designed By: Toman Design - Katka Orlíková, Lukáš Müller, Jiří Toman

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

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