Monday, August 27, 2018

DA-SH Water Is The Perfect Summer Beverage

Designed by Horse Studios, these pastel-colored cans with vibrant blue brush strokes ranging in size are all DA-SH Water needed to become an Instagram sensation. 

“Our British sparkling spring water is infused with whole, squashed Raspberries for a summery dash of flavour, wonky Cucumbers for a crisp dash of flavour and wonky Lemons for a zesty dash of flavour." 

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"Mission: To naturally hydrate the nation and reduce food waste in a fun, sustainable way.We use as few and naturally good ingredients as possible to create the highest quality products.

Who: We’re Alex and Jack and we used to sell mainstream fizzy soft drinks. Both from farming backgrounds, we’ve seen first-hand just how much produce never even gets to our plates. It’s time to do something about it, 100% naturally." 

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Agency: Horse
Location: United Kingdom

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