Thursday, August 30, 2018

Check Out The Lush Illustrations For This Craft Beer


Nick Liefhebber created the wonderfully illustrated packaging for Mischief, a Belgian ale from The Bruery.

“The Bruery asked me for a pint can design for their gold winning beer. I created a mischievous hoppy forest by night for them.”


“Mischief is a hoppy Belgian-style golden strong ale. This wickedly good golden ale is fiendishly dry-hopped with American hops to add a layer of complexity and mystery to its fruity, dry Belgian-style character. Citrus and resin diabolically combine with ripe melon, pear and slight peppery spice in a precariously effervescent mixture. Enjoy it, but you’ll want to keep an eye out.”


Designed By: Nick Liefhebber

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands

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