Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Mariana Rodrigues Illustrates Absolut Juice's Fresh New Designs


Swedish vodka company, Absolut has launched a new spirit combined with strawberries and apples to give you Absolut Juice Edition. Illustrated by Mariana Rodrigues, these bottles feature the fruits in their natural form – strawberries dangling from vines and apples hanging from trees. 

“Mariana Rodrigues was commissioned by BBH to help launch Absolut’s new product called Absolut Juice Edition, which combines Swedish vodka with real fruit juice.”


“These illustrations and patterns have been used on a series of products such as bottle labels, picnic blankets and hampers as well as across 48 and 96-sheets and digital, with small animated scenes as well as vines/branches growing out from the bottle’s label in digital.”

To bring this to life, Mariana was to treat the launch of the product as though it were a collaboration between a fashion label and a famous designer – but in this case the collaborators are simply : Absolut and Juice.“

"Mariana’s wonderfully complex and intricate style was perfectly suited to this brief as the design had to feature a lot of small details such as Easter eggs, woodland animals, typically Swedish scenes such as a midsummer bonfire and of course the constant reference of fruit throughout.

Mariana drew reference from brands with a history of classic patterns such as Liberty, House of Hackney and Timorous Beasties whilst creating a fresher feel to ensure the end result didn’t feel to classical.”


Agency: BBH
Illustrator: Mariana Rodrigues
Client: Absolut
Location: London

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