Monday, September 17, 2018

Newly Refreshed, The Design Collection by Neenah Helps Brands Visualize Packaging Possibilities by Paper Attribute: Pearlized, Soft Touch, and Tactile


Neenah announces the release of The Design Collection, a newly refreshed portfolio of high-end, specialty papers for luxe packaging and retail solutions. The Design Collection now includes new brands, new colors and has been re-imagined as a three-part portfolio, curated by paper attribute: Pearlized, Soft Touch, and Tactile.

The Design Collection is an international portfolio of 22 brands, 100+ colors and 15+ textures, inspired by Italy’s top fashion houses and America’s leading designers. “With so many items now in The Design Collection, it became necessary to completely reimagine the way the papers were presented to the market,” said Auburne Gahlman, Brand Manager. “We brought Design Army on board to help us think through possibilities. Their charge was to create a pathway to enable designers to more quickly and intuitively experience this growing range of papers." 

Design Army started the process by reimagining how designers and brand managers are looking for papers. “We broke the portfolio down then built it back up, exploring different ways to ‘create sensation’ with paper,” said Pum Lefebure, Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer, Design Army. Ultimately, three paths were selected: 1) the visual sensation of pearlized, shimmery papers; 2) the subtle sensation created by a super-soft touch material; 3) and, the textural sensation created through a highly tactile surface. The Design Collection is now re-presented in three-parts, organized by optics and touch, helping paper specifiers more easily find the look and the feel that will bring their packaging visions to life. “Curating the papers in this new way will make it easier for designers to start with the feeling they wish to elicit in each of their designs,” said Lefebure. 


The Design Collection: Pearlized

These are the box wrap papers that shimmer on the shelf. “In this collection, designers get a full spectrum of iridescent papers including translucent and velvety glows,” said Gahlman.

New STARDREAM 2.0 Papers introduces five sparkling new colors into the Pearlized portfolio: Eris, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn and Venus.

The Design Collection: Soft Touch

These are the papers with an extraordinary, high touch factor. “When a customer touches these papers, they’re reminded of something that’s instantly familiar like a rose petal, a leather jacket or a smooth plastic. Soft touch papers are ideal for high end packaging,” said Gahlman.

New LEATHERLIKE® Papers are inspired by the fashion industry. Gahlman said, “These papers are just like their namesake, soft, rich, velvety. Think leather handbag or custom Italian shoes.” This new high-touch line is available in a natural-looking White, a chocolaty Brown, and a deep Black.

The Design Collection: Tactile

If texture is the first thing that comes to mind, take a look at this collection. “There’s nothing delicate about these papers. They’re strong, organic…almost masculine. These are the papers that command attention through touch, perfect for packaging natural beauty brands,” said Gahlman.

New REEF® Papers are a unique brand that feels like the touch of fine sand. This highly tactile, yet refined new surface is available in a beachy White and midnight sky Black.

“When you design something that’s three-dimensional, you’re designing it to be picked up off the shelf and touched,” said Lefebure. “As with fashion or interior design, where the material is often the first source of inspiration, the papers in The Design Collection are meant to create sensation and infuse the essence of the product into its package.”


Via: Neenah Paper

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