Monday, September 17, 2018

The Packaging For Wanglaoji Black Herbal Tea Is Pretty Hip


Who knew black tea could look so hip? Wanglaoji Black Herbal Tea was designed with a younger demographic in mind, making for a fun and detailed design overall.

“Wanglaoji’s new Black Herbal Tea product offers a rich taste and was created especially to cater to young people. In order to successfully target this group, the graphic design is neither old-fashioned nor dull in a traditional sense. On the contrary, it illustrates the networked lifestyle of most young people in a so-called ACGN world (animation, comic, game and novel), presenting interesting scenes and playthings from their daily lives. The high-contrast use of neon colours against a black background strongly attracts attention and arouses buying interest.”


Design: Shenzhen Tiger Pan Packaging Design Co., Ltd.

Art Direction: Tiger Pan

Client: Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Location: China

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