Monday, September 24, 2018

Stranger & Sons Gin Is an Undeniably Indian Spirit


From Third Eye Distillery, comes Stranger & Sons, one of the first gins to be distilled in the Indian subcontinent since the forties, that’s undeniably Indian.

We are raised in a country where knowledge, skills, recipes, traditions and even businesses are passed down from generation to generation. Wherever we go, we are surrounded by the remnants of these traditions in the legacy of shop signs scattered across our towns and cities. The presence of “& sons” in the name of a business means that the company was started by a family, and multiple generations have been involved in the same business. These shops were their pride of place, so when it came time to name our own brand, we chose to name our strange brand of gin “Stranger & Sons” in the hope that our gin will be the first to spearhead a fresh and exotic cocktail culture in India.

Staying true to its Indian provenance, Stranger & Sons ticks all the boxes when it comes to an authentic Indian spirited gin. Our gin goes beyond the customary juniper and adds a healthy measure of Liquorice, Pepper, Nutmeg, Mace, Coriander, Angelica, Cassia Bark & a mix of Indian citrus peels led by Gondhoraj Limes to the mix. We get most of our botanicals by sticking our heads over the wall and calling out to our neighbourhood farmers in Goa or from our own botanical farm at our distillery. This carefully crafted recipe tames the otherwise fantastic flavours of the botanicals as they support the robust profile of juniper berries sourced from Macedonia.

With soft notes of familiar Gondhoraj lime peels, coupled with a smooth body and the warmth of liquorice and cassia bark to finish, this gin invariably gives your martinis, gimlets and negronis an unexpected twist. Inversely, you can appreciate the full profile of Stranger & Sons by complementing it with your favourite tonic or loads of ice.

Sakshi Saigal, Rahul Mehra and Vidur Gupta are the brains and brawn behind Stranger & Sons and Third Eye Distillery. With strong business backgrounds peppered with a little crazy, this trifecta is bent on distilling quality spirits from the ground up from their facility in Goa. They also plan to offer certified courses from an exclusive visitor’s centre attached to the facility and educate the Indian audience about the finer nuances of distillation.

With Stranger & Sons being the predecessor to a variety of gins and rums coming your way, Third Eye Distillery promises to kick start the craft spirit culture in India showcasing that India can make more than just its fair share of whiskey.


Designed By: Oveja & Remi

Location: India

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