Wednesday, May 9, 2018

How One Company Uses Adorable Design to Disrupt a $2.9B CPG Market


By: Casha Doemland

Every time you pump your gas or get change back after paying for your morning coffee, you’re coming into contact with germs. For some, carrying around hand sanitizer to rid themselves of these microscopic bacteria, viruses and fungi is a must, and with the estimations of it becoming a $2.9 billion market over the next seven years, one brand is on the front end of the trend.

Last month, OLIKA, a Scandinavian personal care company, released Minnie, the little sister of Birdie, an adorable 2-in-1 hand sanitizer equipped with a spray and 10 dry wipes.

Minnie, while similar to her big brother, is a 30mL natural hydrating sanitizing spray that carries up to 500 spritzes.


“The unique bird-shape containers were designed to be ergonomic and nature-inspired,” begins Jessica Postiglione, CEO & Co-Founder of OLIKA.  "Our products are strongly influenced by the clean lines and minimalism found in Scandinavian design. Additionally, we drew inspiration from the raw materials, forms and natural movements around us.“

Postiglione, OLIKA’s creative lead, found inspiration for the brand through her extensive worldwide travel, specifically her visits to every Nordic country. On top that, she’s in charge of testing the scents and managing relationships with JMR development, the industrial engineering firm who helped develop and manufacture her product.


As for scents, Minnie is currently available in 3 natural essential oils, lemon, bergamot and spearmint, which resonated with the early testers after a year of researching. "It was critical that the fragrances fit with the brand and the sophistication of our bird’s curves,” states Postiglione. “We even challenged ourselves to think about what scent our bird would come into contact with in nature.”

On top of being chemical free, Minnie and Birdie are recyclable. Simply remove the crimp from the bottle and recycle it with all your other at home plastics. Or if you prefer, save your birds until you’ve collected 10, mail them back to OLIKA, and they’ll recycle them for you. In exchange for your dedication to the brand, you’ll receive a complimentary 2-pack of your choice.


While Minnie just arrived early last month, OLIKA is committed to growing their family of birds and keeping your hands germ-free. “We have a strong product line for the future, including new colors, and a third arrival to the family is hatching soon,” adds Postiglione.

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Casha Doemland

LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.

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