Monday, May 7, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018 Outstanding Achievements: L.A Brewery


L.A Brewery is a naturally effervescent living kombucha tea that is deliciously tart and refreshing. Our brief was to take this new health drink to market with a fantastic, inspiring, all-inclusive design.

Working closely with Louise Avery on her mission to get fermented products to the mainstream, our big idea was to design Louise’s new kombucha brand by appealing to diversity and open-minded cultures.


Closed systems are overly sterile environments that strip us of our natural immunities; we wanted our designs to introduce life in all its richness back into bodies and minds, matching the beneficial qualities of the liquid inside our bottle.

Using visual principles that portrayed systematic expressivity, we devised a tone of voice to match that is both intimate and informative.

L.A Brewery has gone from strength to strength with coverage in the Evening Standard and on the BBC. Bottles were quickly chosen by the LEON chain as one of their star guest drinks, which has helped lift the brand’s profile immensely.

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Designed By: Here Design
Art Director: Kate Marlow
Designer: Josh Williams
Client: Louise Avery
Location: United Kingdom

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