Monday, May 7, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018 Outstanding Achievements: Tata Steel


Despite being a truly circular and recyclable material, steel has been commoditised and is constantly threatened by other materials that are widely perceived as more price stable, sustainable or less expensive. To combat this development, TATA Steel has developed a new material called Protact® that challenges the anonymous nature of steel with its shapeability and printability. The challenge was to generate conceptual ideas through to prototyping that would change the perception of steel and position steel as a natural part of the future.


Through a wide exploration process together with the client across a large number of high impact categories, we set our sights on redefining the steel can as something that can be expressive, unique and premium within the homogenous food category.

In order to achieve traction for Protact® we focused on the consumer/brand owner product folio perspective. The idea was a single solution that would enable local producers and big brands alike to show the versatility and quality of their products through texture, shape and scaling, supporting a vision of the product folio of the future.


An initial base shape was developed, based on a futuristic 2-piece pod with gently sloping sides and a curved bottom for ease of use and less food waste. Groves along the edge would allow for second life applications through standard screw tops, readily available in homes worldwide. Even the tab stock was redesigned to position the new material and steel in general as a sustainable and circular material.

From there we developed product specific prototypes that ranged from local origin produce to truly exclusive and sophisticated offerings, reflecting the value of the produce, previously unthinkable in the canned goods category. And as a result, enabling true value creation through the premiumization of the steel can.


Agency: Grow
Creative Director: Isabelle Dahlborg-Lidström
Design Director: Andreas Linnell
Design Engineer & Industrial Designer: Henrik Lundblad
Client Manager: Judith Socha
Client Director & Strategy: Liselotte Tingvall
Credit: Limor Janssen
Client: Tata Steel
Location: Sweden

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