Monday, September 3, 2018

Civil Goat Cold Brew Comes With a Clean Look


We’re digging this clean cold brew packaging. Drew Lakin and Keith Young teamed up to create the striking packaging for Civil Goat Coffee’s new line of cold brew.

“Civil Goat Coffee is a contemporary coffee shop with an on-site pet goat located in Austin, TX. Since 2014 they’ve served house roasted coffee, tea & pastries. After years of bottling their house cold brew in stubby bottles, hand applying labels, stocking local grocery stores big & small, Civil Goat decided to up their cold brew packaging in conjunction with a recent rebrand. The owners wanted a recognizable and clean packaging solution and quickly were drawn to smaller 8oz cans. Carrying over the brand refresh cleanliness over to the final solution was very important. Find them all over Austin now!”


Designed By: Drew Lakin and Keith Young
Photos by Kendrick Russell.
Location: Austin, TX

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