Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Biji Coffee Gets a Colorful Look With Illustrations Inspired By The Origins of the Beans


Apus Agency has created the packaging for the specialty coffee brand, Biji Coffee.

“Biji Coffee is a young, Russian company of coffee roasters, experts in specialty coffee beans, which are grown high in the mountains and are selected manually. The Biji team started with Indonesian coffee and spent 6 months in Indonesia, seeking out local farmers and the best coffee beans. Therefore Biji got an image of being a travelling company. In two years the company embraced almost all coffee belt regions: Africa, Arabia, Central and South America, Asia and got many requests from Russian coffeehouses for roasted high-mountain specialty coffee. To supply the demand of HoReCa, the company felt a need to create new packaging for use in the B2B sector.”


“The main task from the client was to make the packaging cheap in production, so the company could keep up with a competitive price. Cheap packaging for expensive coffee? Why not!

To create the new packaging of hand-selected coffee beans from five coffee regions, the creative team has chosen the fauna world. It was a smart move - fauna can be a unifier of presented and forthcoming regions of coffee suppliers. Illustrations of animals were drawn manually to emphasize the hand selection of coffee beans.”


“‘We kept in mind, that coffee beans are selected manually, so we made illustrations in a graphic form manually as well’ - says Creative Director of Apus Agency, Vitaly Afanasiev.

The colours used reflected the phases of  a coffee bean’s maturity. An intelligible and simple description displayed informal and friendly addresses to customers.

All the information was placed on stickers, which remained from the form of the Biji Coffee logo with the line under the crown. The use of stickers helped to cut the cost of the packaging.”


“‘As the result, unique illustrations helped customers by easily differentiating the coffee beans by regions. A short intelligible description made it possible to be at ease with the coffee, even if you are not an expert, and the stickers cut the cost on packaging production decidedly’ - summarizes Vitaly Afanasiev.”


Designed By: Apus Agency
Creative Director: Vitaly Afanasiev
Location: Russia

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