Thursday, February 22, 2018

Buck Naked Soap Company Takes All Natural Beauty Products To A New Level


By: Casha Doemland

How natural is your all natural and organic soap? Do you take the time to read the list of ingredients or is the all natural label enough to sell you?

Buck Naked Soap Company, founded by husband and wife duo Rina Clarke and John Lindsay, is extra mindful of the products you apply to your skin as well as the impact the products have on the environment. How? According to an interview with The Record, “Buck Naked ingredients come from sustainable sources, its products are biodegradable and its packaging is minimal and compostable, recyclable or reusable.”

Additionally, the strict motto of “if you can’t (or shouldn’t) eat it, we won’t use it”, we won’t use it, ensures your skin will receive top-notch, chemical-free love.  

How wonderful is that?

Buck Naked Soap Company started accidentally and out of necessity back in 2013 when their baby, Elias, developed skin irritations from regular baby products. To combat the rashes, Rina created a chamomile and calendula soap. Eventually, word got out and the couple began selling products at local farmers’ markets. Now, the couple has a full-blown company and makes/sells bath melts, salt soaks, bath bombs, lip butter and mud pie aka facial masks.


On top of that, the company partnered up with WE Charity, an international group providing clean water and education to communities around the world. To help give water to developing communities in Kenya, simply purchase one of the products from the WE Charity Collection.

The water scarcity in Kenya has been an issue for decades. Only 9 of the 55 public water service providers continuously stock Kenya’s water supply. The result, 41 percent of Kenyans rely on collecting water from ponds, shallow wells and rivers and 59 percent search for appropriate sanitation solutions to meet basic needs.  

The charitable donations don’t stop with water though. The WE Rafiki Bracelet Duo and WE Collection Bundle include a Rafiki bracelet made by a mother in Kenya, which in turn provide a sustainable income to the mother’s family.

With that being said, Buck Naked’s products are the perfect addition to your at-home spa or as a gift to a loved one. From the aroma of the all natural ingredients to the simplicity of the white labels printed with clean black lettering, the products aim to help your skin and the environment thrive.

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Casha Doemland

LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.

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