Monday, February 19, 2018

Keeps Is Here To Help You Keep Your Hair


Red Antler has designed this straightforward yet elegant packaging for Keeps, a company that aims to help men struggling with hair loss.

“There’s a stigma around hair loss and hair loss treatment. And that situation is only made worse with an industry defined by outdated perspectives on masculinity, snake oil, and misinformation.

Our objective with Keeps is to encourage men to proactively take action against hair loss. To achieve this, we created a seamless experience that empowers men to take control and easily incorporate a proven treatment into their existing grooming routine.”


“As with many of the direct-to-consumer businesses we work with, we developed the entire experience, from storytelling in marketing, social and e-commerce through to the shipping and unboxing experience.

The packaging system we created had to achieve four main objectives. It needed to communicate trust and efficacy, exist discreetly on our guys’ countertop, communicate serious medical information, and behave as an effective vehicle for the brand voice.”


“Because the packaging is arguably the only physical connection between the customer and the brand, we wanted to create a rich, multi-layered storytelling experience — from an easy-to-use tear strip to open the shipping box, to an informational welcome card, through to the secondary and primary packaging. Each layer was made meaningful through the consideration of structure and form, material choice, as well as integration of messaging, graphic elements and printing techniques.

We knew we had to create a packaging system for daily use that could sit on the countertop and be ever present in our guys’ daily routine. It needed to normalize the action of using the product, provide an aesthetically pleasing object that could sit comfortably with their grooming gear, and of course, never embarrass the user with any overt reference to the treatment.”


“We needed to elevate off-the-shelf prescription bottles and create a premium look and feel. First we thoughtfully considered the proportions, and elegantly optimized the size of the box. A cutaway was sculpted into the boxtop to reveal the bottles’ white lids. We used a soft touch card stock to heighten the tactile experience. The brand symbol, an abstract crown, reminds the owner that he’s in good hands and helps affirm the choice he’s made. A refined pattern, reminiscent of flowing hair, runs across the box to create another layer of embellishment that helps transform a relatively modest box into a desirable object worthy of any man of action.”


Designed By: Red Antler

Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer: Simon Endres

Location: New York

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