Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Dieline's 2018 Trend Report: Nature Goes Next Level

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It’s official. Plant ladies are the new cat ladies.

Now more than ever, people in the Millennial bracket are taking up gardening and filling their homes with houseplants. According to the 2017 National Gardening Report, 74 percent of US households are flexing their green thumbs, and this trend is reflected in the products we buy. With the increase in bringing the outdoors in, and a continued yearning for the real world and offline experiences, the images and icons from the natural world have become synonymous with organic products. We are seeing a shift of style that is less realistic and more illustrative that takes nature to the next level.



Bloombox Brand Engineers created a new packaging system for chocolate brand Smoor, and it’s a virtual trip to a botanical garden, complete with chocolate at the end of your visit.



Inspired by the tropical beauty of Hawaii, fruit snack brand Halau commissioned Creamos Agencia to create a series of textured vector illustrations as part of their brand identity.



Pepsi China’s Limited Edition can for last year’s Shanghai Fashion Week was a tropical dream, with silhouettes of palm fronds and banana leaves set against a Millennial Pink background.


Ron Valdeflores

Nothing says vacation better than a bottle of rum adorned with birds of paradise. The tropical-inspired packaging for Ron Valdeflores’s Oaxacan-made spirits channels the lush greenery of Mexico’s jungles.


Mrs. Wormwood

Mrs. Wormwood’s aesthetic is synthesized through a dynamic juxtaposition of feminine florals and low-key creepy. With delicate embellishments in the form of skulls and spiders, the designers at Chad Michael Studio kept this gin bottle label from becoming too stuffy with its subversive use of Victorian design tropes.


Villa Yasmine

Villa Yasmine, the “high-end boutique for the discerning global citizen” employs ample use of all things tropical to whisk their customer’s imaginations off to far away adventures. Their brand identity “finds inspiration in Henri Rosseau’s exotic jungle landscapes and antique postage stamps that make reference to the shopper’s wanderlust, their constant desire to travel and discover the unknown.”

View The Full Trend Report

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