Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Dieline's 2018 Trend Report: E-Commerce Packaging Becomes Experimental

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There has been a large uptick in e-commerce. The overall percentage of E-commerce retail sales are perhaps surprisingly small— 9 percent of sales in the US and 17 percent in the UK— but with sustained growth. If brands don’t have E-commerce optimized packaging, they are missing a huge opportunity.

People are now purchasing their everyday items online, so buying something online besides your routine staples adds a whole new level of consumer expectations. E-Commerce packaging also gives brands a new environment to experiment and innovate: the consumer’s homes and social feeds. Companies like Packlane are enabling startups and challenger brands to create fully branded e-commerce packaging on-demand.


Seed to Serum

Seed to Serum’s plant-based skincare line has released a conceptual packaging system inspired by rose quartz for its color, irregular shapes and healing properties. It’s also a nod to the minerals our skin needs, and each box is accented by gold leaf reminiscent of what you’d find on a traditional apothecary window.


Purina Beyond

Purina Beyond wanted to leverage the trend in online shopping for everyday goods by creating a unique packaging experience for their customers that would differentiate from the Purina products you can buy at any brick and mortar grocery store. Using frustration-free packaging, “The resulting design is elegant and sophisticated, free from the traditional pack messaging that’s needed on shelf.”



For the packaging design of online fashion company TERMINAL X,  Dan Alexander & Co. created a bold typographic treatment where the message and letterforms became a graphic pattern to illustrate the core elements of the brand.

View the Full Trend Report

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