Monday, February 26, 2018

Get Your Caffeine Fix With These Collage-Style Coffee Bags


Darling Brands has created this unique take on coffee packaging for Australian brand KRANK Kustom Kaffeine. The bags of coffee are sure to catch your eye with a black and white collage-style approach taken to the illustration.


“KRANK it up!

Coffee as we know it has been around for an age. Time for something new… enter KRANK - Kustom Kaffeine… the good oil. Super strong coffee for super together people. KRANK is not for the faint hearted. Leaving all traces of Italian old skull heritage behind here is a range sourced from prime African coffee plantations and then dramatically roasted to kick some serious ass. This isn’t your normal coffee.”


“The brand needed to present a fresh and engaging look to consumers at the forefront of Koffee Kulture. They don’t want normal and they certainly don’t want staid. Bringing new lingo and features (Moltenised!) to the category helps position KRANK at the pointy end of coffee innovation.

Coffee is ultra important here but then almost secondary to the brand, which can stretch way beyond the cup. Supporting the brand through the entire path to purchase methodology means they will be champing for it and it also allows for some after sales avenues with cool clothing ranges and other goodies.”


“Get Kranking.

Feeling Kranky?

Get Kranded!

Just too much fun…

This project is launching but in a slow burn, soft sell kind of way. Small pieces and teasers have been leaked into the market to gain interest, awareness and traction. The coffee blends are ready to go and are working on clothing production, cups, social and web to come online soon. Can’t wait for it to get kranking.”


Designed By: Darling Brands
Executive Creative Director: Bryan Durrant
Designer: Elissa Tarasiewicz
Account Manager: Lizzie Murrie
Illustrator: Jonno Garret
Client/ Manufacturer: Dean Morgan
Location: Sydney, Australia

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