Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Typography On Kebun's Packaging is Sure To Draw The Consumer In


Beniamin Pop Brand Architect created the typographically-driven packaging for Kebun, a Romanian restaurant that serves kebab.

“Kebun is a packaging made for Condimental, an award winning Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) chain from Bucharest, Romania. Condimental’s purpose is to reposition the kebab product in the consumer’s mind. How would they succeed? By creating THE NEW KEBAB - a fresh kebab in a box with special ingredients (pomegranate, aubergine, homemade sauces) and no flat bread. ”


“The name Kebun is a combined word from ‘kebab’ and ‘bun’ – which means ‘great, fine, pleasing’ in Romanian. The name has a very agreeable tune and its purpose was to underline a difference in regard to the regular kebabs found elsewhere along with the product’s high quality and healthy approach. While the competition is selling kebabs, Condimental is selling kebuns.”


“The design process took more than 3 months with continuous shape, weight, graphics, ink, closing systems samplings and transportation tests. This was an extremely important process stage because we needed viable solutions for a QSR with high volume daily sales.

Taking into account that Condimental’s core target was mainly feminine, we had to come up with a fluid and an attractive design with the right grip that would be appealing. Next we decided to adjust the packaging line to the other products in their menu, namely drinks, hot meals and desserts.”


“At the end of numerous optimization steps the result was totally worth it. After just 3 days following its launch, Kebun became their best selling product. Presently Kebun is dominating daily sales and is bringing the company an increasing profit margin.”


Designed By: Beniamin Pop Brand Architect
Art Director: Marius Farcas
Designers: Marius Farcas, Beniamin Pop
Location: Romania

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