Tuesday, February 20, 2018

These Sanitary Pads Aim To Take On The Stigma Associated With Menstruation


Indian agency NH1 Design created this sanitary pad packaging that takes on the stigma associated with menstruation. With striking red elements and straightforward copy, the design is one that aims to change the conversation in a unique way.

“Period. The word is whispered in hush tones, almost like it’s an embarrassment. Look around you. Nobody talks about it, addresses it. We’re trained to believe it’s something to be embarrassed about. In India, even the chemist packs it in a black bag and gives it to you. And you put that little bag in your purse and rush home to do the needful.”

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“Why does sanitary pad packaging fail to communicate and engage the end user?

This question had been lurking in our head (and, our heart). It’s almost like the sole purpose of the packaging is to hide the pads by over-dressing them in florals, butterflies, cursive typography and stereotypical graphics. This brought us to the bigger question – why, in 2018, are we still shy to say the word ‘Period’? Menstruation is a natural biological process. And that’s all it is. In order to encourage people to open up and talk about periods we have designed a packaging system that allows women to embrace periods and break the ice between their dear uterus and the society.”


“The pads are packaged in a canvas bag featuring bright red and orange polka dots while the bag contains ten regular sanitary pads each with a unique message that make periods inspiring, confident and a part of everyday conversation – so that the most natural phenomenon in the world can no longer be the most stigmatised or embarrassing one.”


“With every pack of pads purchased, the sale proceeds will be donated to The Better India, who are setting up a factory in Ajmer together with Aakar Innovations who will employ local women to manufacture and distribute biodegradable, low cost sanitary napkins.

Donthideitperiod.com is also a website dedicated to the campaign and invites users to join the conversation by writing their own messages on the virtual pad and share to create wider awareness on social media.”


Design and Concept: NH1 Design
Nykaa: Distribution Partner
Fashion Partner: Pallavi Mohan
Location: India

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