Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Launched a Killer Package Redesign? We Want to Celebrate You

Procrastinators, rejoice! You’ve got extra time to enter the Nielsen Design Impact Award. Be sure to submit your redesigns by Friday, February 9th.

Do you work for a product manufacturer or design agency that launched a killer package redesign after January 1st, 2015? Earn fame and glory by entering to win the Nielsen Design Impact Award. There is no fee to enter, and no limit on the number of redesigns you can submit for consideration. At this time, we can only accept entries from the United States.

Winners will be recognized by Nielsen at The Dieline Awards Ceremony (part of the HOW Design Live Conference) on April 30th. 

What is the Nielsen Design Impact Award?

The Dieline Awards has always aimed to highlight the value of effective package design, and we couldn’t be more excited about our partnership with Nielsen for the Nielsen Design Impact Award.  

This award recognizes U.S. package redesigns that have made a big difference for brands’ bottom lines by driving increases in consumer preference, sales and distribution. Unlike most awards programs, we don’t have a panel of esteemed experts who will determine the winners; instead, we’ll be relying on large-scale consumer feedback—and, of course, the naked truth of in-market performance.  May the most impactful design win.

Last year’s Nielsen Impact Award grand prize winner went to Lean Cusine, designed by Pearlfisher and parent company, Nestlé.

Learn More About The Nielsen Design Impact Awards & Enter Today 1436460940759.jpg

The Dieline Awards has always aimed to highlight the value of effective package design, and we couldn’t be more excited about our partnership with Nielsen for the Nielsen Design Impact Award. This partnership provides us with real world product sales data of a redesigned package, and actual consumer shopper preferences, demonstrating and proving the powerful and transformative role of packaging design. 

This year’s Nielsen Impact award winner went to Lean Cusine, designed by Pearlfisher and parent company, Nestle.

The Nielsen design impact award winner 2017

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