Monday, March 26, 2018

Chapter 2 Is The Elegant and Sophisticated Take on Protein Products


BTL Brands created this minimal yet elegant packaging for Chapter 2, a protein supplement brand that wants to even the playing field when it comes to reaching fitness goals. The look is sophisticated and completely unique from other protein-based products found within the market, making for an approachable product overall.

“Bastien Bouisset found us online after seeing one of our projects featured on The Dieline. He was looking for an agency to help him with Wellness Direct, his new start-up fitness and wellbeing brand based in the South of France. Bastien is a successful gym franchise owner and he wanted to address the shortage of tasty and healthy protein supplements that appealed to ‘ordinary people’ (read: not gym junkies). Driven by a belief that fitness belongs to all of us, Bastien wanted to create a new brand that challenged the elite nature of fitness, as well as the artificial, masculine and sometimes intimidating nature of protein supplements.”


“The project kicked off with our usual brand workshop and during the session when Bastien talked about his gym franchise business and his new venture, he always split them into Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Chapter 1 was opening a series of gyms near his hometown of NĂ®mes and Chapter 2 was the next step: going beyond the local gym and expanding into nutrition and lifestyle. We noticed a parallel between Bastien and the people he is reaching out to: both are looking to start a new chapter. We told Bastien he already had a name: Chapter 2, otherwise known as C2.”


“During the research phase we immersed ourselves in the universe of protein. The industry is dominated by brands that promise to make you ‘ripped’ in record time. Big plastic tubs of protein cut with a cocktail of artificial sweeteners and flavours are the norm. It is highly masculine. The words and the visual language we use for Chapter 2 is a response to this intimidating universe. It’s simple, clean, natural, human and accessible.”


“We created the brand strategy, name, visual identity, packaging, web, point of sale and marketing for C2. A complete set of assets that bring the new brand message ‘turning a new page’ to life in a soft, stylish, smart way, unlike most protein brands. A new way of designing a protein brand with a ‘less is more’ mindset and approach.

We have a simple mission statement at BTL: Do Better. We’re confident that we helped Bastien do better with his new fitness and wellbeing brand. This range of protein powders is the first of many new products in the pipeline for C2… watch this space.”


Agency: BTL Brands
Art Directors: Stuart Lewin / Santeri Lohi
Designers: Darnell Buckle/Eamon Shotton
Photographer: Darnell Buckle
Printer & Manufacturer: PYC France
Client: Bastien Bouisset - Founder C2
Location: United Kingdom

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