Thursday, March 22, 2018

Have You Seen the Worldwide Winning Designs from the iF Awards?


By: Theresa Christine

How often do you think about design from a global perspective? Of course, every city or region has its own quirks and characteristics, but these sometimes exist in a bubble. It’s not often for designers and the best and brightest from all around the world to gather in one place and celebrate design worldwide—but when it happens, it’s quite extraordinary.

The iF Design Awards is one of these instances. As one of the largest design competitions in the world, it includes everything from product, architecture, and packaging design. The award is something manufacturers, consumers, and fellow designers refer to it as a symbol of exemplary design and innovation. By raising awareness of the role design plays in our daily lives and sparking social change through design, the iF Design Awards carry out the company’s goals which they’ve had since their inception in 1953.

Walking around the ceremony and reception at BMW Welt in Munich, you encounter a myriad of creative people all united by their passion for design. Not only is the iF Team global with offices in Germany, Korea, and Brazil (as well as many other places), but attendees, jury members, and winners hail from around the world. It is a rare chance for designers to come together, celebrate achievements, and look to the future of the industry.


The Dieline always conducts an in-depth trend report for the upcoming year, and the winners from the iF Design Awards further highlight what we can expect to see in the packaging design industry for the future. [Insert quote from Ralph Wiegmann, iF CEO] “We’re seeing smarter, more sustainable brands supporting and always trying to reach a uniqueness in many industries,” said Ralph Wiegmann, iF CEO.  “In the packaging industry, it’s about saving cents, but not giving up on quality or sustainability. Sometimes I think packaging design and designers are a hidden champion compared to other design disciplines, and we all have to improve to give it a stronger awareness.”

This year saw over 6,400 entries from 54 countries, and jury members gathered for three days to select the award-winning entries, including coveted awards for packaging design. The three jury members, Dave Brown of Brown&co, Katja Gerhards of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, and Eunson Jin of Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co., Ltd., selected 150 of the top designs to win an iF Design Award.


“Creative use of paper pulp, corrugated board and other natural biodegradable materials seemed to be on the increase, replacing plastic as the go-to default for packaging,” mentioned juror Dave Brown on the entries. “All of the winners in the category had responded to the key judging criteria. The Gold winners, however, stood out through their excellence in storytelling, superb craft in execution, and thoughtful consideration of sustainable materials. Also their creativity in terms of ‘after life’ (secondary use) for the pack.”

Here were some of the standout packaging designs from the 2018 iF Design Awards.



Designed by: Panos Tsakiris

London, United Kingdom

“The brief was to design a packaging system (a bottle and its packaging) for evoo’s exclusive olive oils. The aim was for the user to enjoy the experience with more than one sense. For this reason, profound textures have been subtly incorporated into the design. The main inspiration was the form of the olive tree. Each of the 250 limited bottles is ready to be shipped individually in its own eco-sustainable case, which is secured without adhesives.”

View more designs where Neutral is the New Luxury.


Chilsung Cider

Designed by: LOTTE Chilsung Beverage Co., Ltd.

Eun Son Jin (Project Management), Su Jin Lee (Creative Director ), Chang Won Lee, Song Ei Joeng (Package Designer)

Seoul, Republic of Korea

“Chilsung Cider is the most popular soft drink in Korea. This brand has a longer history than any other Korean brand and is much loved by the whole nation. It is commonly recognized by an iconic green glass bottle with white stars. Chilsung Cider Vintage Limited Edition was developed to strengthen brand loyalty and to allow consumers to experience the history of Chilsung Cider. Each can is designed to provoke nostalgia among older consumers and arouse the interest of the young by reproducing the design of the last fifty years.”

View more designs where Analog is the New Vintage.


Mito Specialty Coffees

Designed by: Greco Design

Gustavo Greco, Tidé, Fernanda Monte Mor, Diego Belo, Léo Rosário (Design), Victor Fernandes (Project Manager), Alex Fonseca e Alan Alves (Graphic Producer)

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

“The story of Mito Coffee began more than 100 years ago with a business that has passed through four generations, maintaining to this day the original producing estate and one of the most award-winning coffees in the world. The designers first inverted the axis inclination of the letter O in the word “Mito”, alluding to a coffee bean. In the packaging, watercolor illustrations depict myths that originate in the region of the coffee estate, and relate these to the different coffee blends.”

View more designs where The Package Becomes the Canvas.


Mountain Ali Tea No.35

Designed by: I'DER Visual Image Design

Taichung City, Taiwan

“The packaging design for this tea is inspired by various species of plants and animals endemic to Alishan National Scenic Area in Taiwan. These include Formosan Sambar Deer, Collared Bush Robin, Divine Trees, and Mikado Pheasant. The artwork combines the techniques of ink and watercolor painting, which is totally different from the traditional styles of tea package, and further fuses Taiwanese tea culture with natural imagery in a brand-new vivid brand.”

View more designs where Nature Goes Next Level.



Designed by: GROW

Isabelle Dahlborg Lidström, Henrik Lundblad, Johan Bergman

Stockholm, Sweden

“Challenge: Grow is part of an ongoing journey in collaboration between NINE, BillerudKorsnäs, Bosch, and future brand partners. The project sets out to explore the future applications for right-size packaging systems. By breaking the mold of conventional packaging and raising the respect for Mother Nature, they have introduced a sustainable packaging that works in harmony with the product, the user, and the overall experience. Designed to mimic the pure and serene aesthetics of nature, the Grow pod becomes one with the earth it’s placed in, playing an active part in using the product. The Grow pod is made from FSG certified FibreForm paper.”

View more designs where Sustainable Goes Mainstream.


Dr.Jart Cera Fantasy Book

Designed by: HAVE & BE Co., Ltd.

Seoul, Republic of Korea

“Moisturizing is among the most common skincare categories, yet the perfect moisturizer has remained a fantasy. Until now! Dr.Jart Cera Fantasy Book uses the motif of a penguin living in the cold, dry environment of Antarctica to represent the cold world we live in today. A ceramidin that creates a moisturizing barrier, and a yellow penguin positively show the power of moisture. The title shows a fantasy of dreamy moisture becoming a reality as the Cera Fantasy Book opens. This sturdy package can find a place on consumers’ bookshelves as the perfect place to store memories and valuables.”

View more designs where Gen Z Yellow Overtakes Millennial Pink.


All product descriptions are from the iF World Design Guide. To learn more, visit them at


Theresa Christine

Theresa entered the world of design through The Dieline. With a background in writing and journalism, she has a passion for discovery and cultivating human connections. Her work for The Dieline is a constant journey to deeply understand all facets of the design process and to investigate what makes designers tick. Theresa’s writing has taken her snorkeling in between the tectonic plates in Iceland, horseback riding through a rural Brazilian town, and riding an octopus art car at Burning Man with Susan Sarandon as part of a funeral procession for Timothy Leary (long story). When not writing, she is planning her next trip or taking too many pictures of her cat.

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