Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Soar to New Heights With This Intricately Designed Vodka


Dunn&Co. created this beautiful intricate design for Aviator Vodka, an Estonian vodka brand that is inspired by aviation graphics.

“Aviator Vodka is distilled in Estonia entirely from Sangaste winter rye grains - the oldest known rye sort still in use today. The brand is a testament to the limit-pushing spirit of excellence shared by daring aviators throughout history and the brand they’ve inspired.”


“The label art is very complex, with intentional emphasis on handcrafted, intricate details of gears, gauges, ornaments and other old aviation inspired elements. The artwork has layers and depth to create visual interest and the double-sided labels filled with hand illustrated linework give the bottle appeal from various angles. Overall the goal was to capture the precision found in the making of Aviator watches as well as the crafting of the Aviator Vodka. The label successfully weaves these two elements into a single image that feels natural.”


Agency: Dunn&Co.
Art Director: Joel Santana
Creative Director: Jim Darlington
Chief Creative Officer: Troy Dunn
Location: Tampa, Florida

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