Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Take the Spa Home with Natural Science Beauty


By: Casha Doemland

The hours of freedom are ticking away, and your responsibilities are slowly weighing heavy on your mind. So before you dive into the work week, treat yo'self to a little TLC. Draw a bubble bath, turn on some slow jazz, light a candle and allow yourself to fall into the world of zen with Natural Science Beauty, a lush, handcrafted skincare line.

Each product is created to make you and your skin feel good, whether it’s sending relaxing beach vibes through their Daydream Body Scrub or supplying a breath of fresh air through their Home Base Body Balm. These plant-based products have got your back, literally.

When it came time to design the packaging for these exquisite products, founder Kelly Rotbart turned to Futura, a creative studio in Mexico City founded by Vicky González and Iván García, to tell her brand’s story.


Their challenge? They wanted to avoid cliches like the overuse of florals, outlines of nature and typical typography on a white background most commonly found in organic and handcrafted products while delivering something truly unique. “Even though we used floral and nature inspiration for the illustrations, we gave it an abstract almost artistic feeling,” shares Vicky and Ivan. Thus, turning their greatest challenge into their differentiator in a sea of apothecary goods.

Each scrub has a label adorned with beautifully illustrated elements of nature, like a tropical island underneath the burning sun in the middle of the blue sea which resembles a painting you may find in a museum.


“We wanted to reflect the spirit of the brand: organic, handmade and the fact it is made in small batches, but still showing it as a high quality, elegant and sophisticated product,” states Vicky. “The combination of hand-made illustrations with the clean editorial achieves a great balance.”  

By blurring an amalgamation of colors arranged to showcase tropical islands in the middle of the ocean under a warm sun or coniferous trees amongst the mountains, Futura helps transport you to each destination, all which was inspired by the ingredients for each scent.


Yet, coming to this final result was no walk in the park. “We spend so much time stuck to the computer that we forget to experiment with other media. You can achieve much better results,” shares the duo.

Then again, who doesn’t need a break from the many black mirrors in the day to day life?

The next time you’re looking for a little at home spa action, order Forest Body Palm and watch the herbaceous scents of the balm teleport you to the fresh, open air of Yosemite National Park – the getaway you’ve been meaning to take but haven’t found the time.

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Casha Doemland

LA-based and Georgia-bred, Casha Doemland spends her days crafting poetry and freelance writing. Over the last two years, she’s been published in a variety of publications and zines around the world. When she’s not nerding out with words, you can catch her watching a classic film, trekking around the globe or hanging out with a four-pound Pomeranian.

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