Thursday, March 29, 2018

ThoughtMatter Wants Your Year to Be "Seasoned With Love"


Check out this adorable packaging for NYC-based agency ThoughtMatter’s 2018 holiday gift.

“Every year at ThoughtMatter, we craft a holiday gift that reflects our artful perspective and shares a unique sensory experience with our favorite people.

Since put our core values of Curiosity, Generosity and Thoughtfulness at the core of everything we do, for this year’s gift we decided to represent those values in physical form, specifically through the exciting smells, vibrant colors and interesting textures of blended spices.”


“We partnered with renowned spice master Lior Lev Sercarz, owner of spice and biscuit shop La Boîte, to develop three value-themed spice blends. Then we created unique packaging and a booklet to complete our 2018 ‘Seasoned With Love’ holiday gift.

Our first priority in creating our packaging was to instill an element of surprise—to make it mysterious and unexpected. It’s a unique gift, and we didn’t want the people receiving it to know at first glance or feel what might be inside, keeping them in suspense until they opened the shiny silver mylar envelope.”


“At the center of the ‘Seasoned with Love’ packaging, label and booklet design are abstract forms, geometric shapes and patterns that feature the first letter of Curiosity, Generosity and Thoughtfulness. The patterns we created and color palette we chose are modern, cheerful and holiday-themed without being over-the-top, denominational or overtly traditional, and we included gold touches for a premium look and feel.”

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“The spices themselves complement the color palette, and come in glass jars that make those natural colors one of the main visual elements. Each jar features one geometrical shape that represents the spice and value. The jars are packaged in cylindrical cardboard containers—a material we chose because of its environmentally friendly and sustainable nature. Additionally, for the sake of sustainability, the jars, containers and envelope are all reusable. Our hope is that no elements of the gift will go to waste.

The booklet explains the gift, includes descriptions of the features of each spice blend and photography of the ingredients. It was printed on the same premium matte paper as the labeling.”


Designed By: ThoughtMatter
Art Director: Anna Milivojevich
Designer: Jee-Eun Lee, Wil Rodriguez
Printer: Aldine
Product: Lior Lev Sercarz of La Boîte (Master Spice Blender)
Location: New York City, NY

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