Thursday, March 22, 2018

This Healthy Snack Brand Proudly Displays Its Ingredients On The Outside

 Healthy low carb, multi-seed crackers

Dessein created this dynamic packaging for The Low Carb Co. The packaging contains photographed images of each individual ingredient that goes into making each product, making for a striking visual representation of the goodness inside the box.

“The Low Carb Co sought a brand and packaging solution to launch their business and products which expressed their commitment to creating low carb products made from healthy, whole food ingredients. Launching the brand with a suite of Artisan Seed Crackers, it was imperative to emphasis the importance of the ingredients and the profile of the flavour they created while ensuring the low carbohydrate and aspects of good health messaging were highlighted.”

 Healthy low carb, multi-seed crackers  Healthy low carb, multi-seed crackers

“A very literal presentation identifying each ingredient as a pie chart clearly presents the contents, quantities and textural qualities as a fully transparent representation of the ingredients contained within the crackers. A central die-cut window displaying the stack of crackers is surrounded with the product title and flavour type, which is further emphasized with an assigned colour for each flavour.

The structure of the package features a tapered neck with The Low Carb Co logo adding height to the overall package, which would have otherwise been quite small in size and easily lost on the supermarket shelf. One side panel features a single cracker showcasing the final product, while the back of pack presents the cracker dressed with a topping for a simple serving suggestion.”

 Healthy low carb, multi-seed crackers

“Clear, concise and presented simply, The Low Carb Co range of three Artisan Seed Crackers delivers the brand, their values, and an accurate representation of the product and their suitability to be enjoyed - knowing it is as wholesome and healthy as the claims.”

The Low Carb Co Crackers Packaging F PATHS  

Designed By: Dessein
Art Director: Tracy Kenworthy
Designer: Leanne Balen
Photographers: Geoff Bickford & Leanne Balen
Printers: Percival Print & Packaging
Client: The Low Carb Co
Location: Australia

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