Monday, March 26, 2018

Cocofloss Comes With Beautiful Bold Packaging


Anagrama created this bold eye-catching packaging for Cocofloss, a company that specializes in creating quality dental floss.


The Client
Cocofloss is a California based company making flossing a fun and rewarding experience for everyone. They offer a great variety of dental floss with a preoccupation for design.

The Objective
To illustrate Cocofloss colorful philosophy through a fun and vibrant visual language.


The Solution
The graphic syntax developed for this project displays Cocofloss amusing essence within the interplay created by the various present elements.

The pastel based colors alludes to the brand’s main values, diverting from the already age-worn clinical white more common for all things oral care. This was then matched with an elegant logo composition creating a more refined character.

The metallic foil gives the whole aesthetic a holographic finish that enhances its lively and clean nature.


Designed By: Anagrama

Location: Mexico

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