Thursday, March 8, 2018

This Client Gift Served an Extra Special Purpose in 2017


Florida-based design agency Push. created this promotional client gift that also serves as a hurricane survival kit. The wanted to address the devastation of last year’s hurricane season in a way that would bring some happiness to their clients.


“The 2017 hurricane season was one for the ages. We took a direct hit here at Push, forcing us to create a makeshift office in a nearby hotel. During this time of extreme togetherness, we not only helped each other, we also came to truly understand our basic needs. With these needs in mind, we created this essential hurricane survival kit. So whatever the season—hurricane, holiday or otherwise—open the can, enjoy responsibly and shine a little light on the world. Cheers.”


Designed By: Push.

Art Directors: Mark Unger and Kevin Harrell

Designer & Photographer: Mark Unger

Printer: Florida Design Source and Designer’s Press

Location: Orlando, Florida

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