Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Swedish Coffee Brand Gets a Rich Look To Match Its High-Quality Ingredients


The packaging for this Swedish coffee brand gets a major refresh thanks to Brand Union Stockholm. The design gets a modern look complete with the use of deep colors and humanistic typography.

“Studies showed that Löfbergs was not perceived as positive as the other major coffee brands in the Swedish market. Despite high quality coffee, high degree of innovation, high responsibility among suppliers and strong sustainability profile, Löfbergs is significantly lower ranked on these variables than its competitors. In blind tests, however, when the coffee was tested without logos, Löfberg’s very good reviews were obtained.

Löfbergs thus had a clear branding problem: the perception of the brand did not match the reality. Therefore, it was a matter of extensive brand journey and re-design. Clearly, the problem was among younger audiences. The brand was in great need of rejuvenation.”


“The challenge was to maintain existing audiences while attracting new, younger audiences. The purple color in combination with yellow as long has been Löfberg’s strongest characteristic, but must be kept in a new, modern context. Löfbergs wishes to occupy a position that is true to the company’s legacy and long history but at the same time opens new doors for the future and better reflects the high degree of innovation the company has. And last but not least - the packaging must signal high credibility and quality.”


“Löfbergs wants to be perceived as open, curious, courageous and authentic. An available brand that can attract a broad audience but aiming at reaching next-generation coffee lovers.”


“The purple color still plays a central role, but through the renewed and more dynamic handling of the color, a more modern and more forward-looking impression is achieved. 

The inspiration for the new logo was found after a deep diving in Löfberg’s large archive, where artifacts from Löfberg’s history remain. The stencil type from the labeling of the old coffee bags inspired the new logo and the color division that goes on in product design. 
The clear color coding makes it easy to navigate and find the right shelf while creating powerful exposures in the store.”


Designed By: Brand Union Stockholm
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

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