Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Provisions Marou

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Marou is a chocolate brand whose products live comfortably on the shelves of the world’s finest gourmet shops. The daily life of the brand is quite far removed from that world. As one of the world’s only chocolate makers working at the source of cacao in Vietnam, Marou’s founders are most often found in adventurous conditions in the countryside. Provisions Marou is the brand’s homage to it’s rough and tumble real world. This is their basics range. It required a straightforward visual language which evokes camping and roughing it. These tins will however still sit pretty on the shelves of your local gourmet store.

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Agency: Rice Creative
Art Directors: Chi-An De Leo, Joshua Breidenbach
Designer: Mark Bain
Client: Marou Chocolate
Location: Vietnam

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