Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Piquentum St. Vital Series

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Vintage dates are always denoted on the bottles, but how many of us really understand the meaning of the year the grapes were harvested? It actually witnesses the natural conditions in which the wine matured; it is its own BIOGRAPHY. But with the use of pesticides and balancing flavors, the year shown on the bottle has eventually lost its meaning, because flavors are becoming ready-made and unrelated to the actual weather conditions.


To create a label for this natural wine, we decided to raise awareness about the importance of understanding the year indicated on it. In cooperation with the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological service, the data on weather conditions in the territory of vineyards were collected, and the amount of precipitation proved to be a great tool to show graphically how much weather actually affects the diversity of nature every year. Circles, as standard meteorological rain symbols, show the amount of rainfall in a particular month. They have been reduced to basic symbols, considering that wine produced by nature doesn’t require additional decorations.


This label passes on PROMPTLY what the year was like, so that we can easily compare the different vintage years. The label, as a reflection of the year during which the wine was made, wants to encourage thinking and discussion. In such a way, wine, as one of the most historically acclaimed products, becomes a medium that speaks out about the importance of understanding nature.


Designed By: Studio Sonda
Art Director: Jelena Fiškuš, Sean Poropat
Creative Directors: Jelena Fiškuš, Sean Poropat
Printer: Etikgraf
Client: Piquentum, Vinski podrum Buzet
Location: Croatia

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