Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Brisk Creates The Ultimate Collector's Edition Package For Black Panther


By: Bill McCool

More than likely, you’re one of the millions who has already seen Black Panther on its journey to box office dominance. Or perhaps you’re just like us, and you haven’t seen a movie in the theater since Obama’s first term because of the tiny sacks of living beings you’re trying to rear, in which case, sorry! Also, no spoilers. We promise.

Last February, as Marvel fans were getting their first, real taste of Wakanda, PepsiCo’s Global Design Team was busy sending out a special package.

In partnership with the creators of Black Panther, Brisk launched a special, limited-edition set of cans featuring several of the characters from the film. But this was no ordinary promotion for the shelf, as 250 kits in addition to the cans were sent to VIPs and social media influencers. Not only did it showcase some super-deluxe technology and content for fans, but it also included a prelude comic, numbered lithographs, a behind-the-scenes book with exclusive photos, Kimoyo beads, the entire set of character cans, and a special tablet featuring a drool-worthy look into the film itself.

Sadly, for regular folks like us, the cans weren’t available for consumer purchase, though we heard you can snag some of the cans on eBay.


“Our goal was to create something truly new, memorable and authentically relevant to our brand purpose while celebrating the creators behind Black Panther and the important moment in culture it inspired,” said Carl Gerhards, Design Director for PepsiCo Global Beverage Design. “Our biggest challenge was to stand out from the crowd. It was important to design a package which drives buzz organically, encourages social media interaction, and is sought after by the consumer.”

The display case along with the limited-edition cans was worth the price of admission alone, making it the perfect collector’s item for fans of the film. “The high-tech package utilizes a magnetic carton with fully-printed, HiLight – Smart LED® lights that illuminate when activated to reveal Wakandan script and set the stage for the Brisk Black Panther can,” said Carl. “Mimicking the Black Panther character, the aluminum can features a tactile varnish that emphasizes the details of the costume design.” in order to bring the unique properties and textures of the can to life, Multi Jet Fusion technology and 3D printing were used, all advanced technologies brought into play as they were inspired by the Wakandan nation own use of cutting-edge tools.


With the package sent out to various actors, musicians, and athletes, consumers were able to engage with the brisk brand while watching folks unbox these ultra-cool, luxe collector’s items. According to Carl, the campaign has been immensely popular and has generated 1.6 million Youtube views to date.

For a package that was sent to just a couple hundred folks, that’s quite the impression.


Bill McCool

Bill McCool is a freelance writer based out of Los Angeles. Though new to the world of design, he has always been a storyteller by trade and he seeks to inspire and cultivate a sense of awe with the work and artists he profiles. When he’s not winning over his daughters with the art of the Dad joke, he is usually working on a pilot, watching the Phillies, or cooking an elaborate meal for his wife.


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