Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Alba: From Dusk To Dawn

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How do you create the first Corsican craft beer, to appeal to people rooted in and local tradition and culture, but most importantly to the up-and-coming millennial scene, in constant search for exciting nightlife experiences?

We created Alba, a true Corsican beer. We took the legend of U Fullettu, a folkloric spirit, and turned it into an urban nightlife experience. Fullettu awakens in the night time, coming for you when you sleep to play tricks and keep you up all night. He laughs and claps at his trickery, but you can never see him.


Sound asleep and eyes closed at day; wide-open in darkness. The fluorescent ink on Alba’s label transforms the Fullettu’s face, as day turns to night and night gives way to day.


Designed By: Landor Paris
Art Directors: Tristan Macherel, Jérémie Barry
Client: Isula Distribution
Location: France

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